Category: Acupuncture

5 Things to Consider When Buying Acupuncture Needles

Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and varies depending on style, country and application. As a result, there are more types of acupuncture needles than you can shake a stick of moxa at. The moment you think you’ve narrowed down the needles you need, another variable crops up. 

Don’t worry, we’re here to clear up the confusion with 5 tips on what to think about when you’re choosing acupuncture needles. 

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A is for Acupuncture: why this practice is so powerful in the West

This ancient Chinese practice has become incredibly popular throughout the West in both its traditional and Western forms. If you’re considering training as an acupuncturist or are already qualified and want to offer it in your clinic, you’ve picked the right time to do it. Across the West, acupuncture is being adopted by national health services and the general population alike.  

What we’ll be looking at today is why this complementary health practice is becoming so popular and why it fills a large gap in existing healthcare services.  

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5 Tips for Dealing with Lower Back Pain

There are many reasons for lower back pain and often it’ll be caused by a mixture of factors. One of the common reasons is muscular weakness. The more we sit, the weaker our muscles get, particularly if we always sit in the same position, which can cause tightness or excessive looseness in one particular place. 

Lower back pain is experienced by 60-70% of adults in the industrialised world but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it. In fact, back pain caused by sitting is within your control.   

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