Powerful PPE: What’s the Deal with Face Masks?
Face masks have become an essential piece of equipment for everyone, not just health practitioners. But which type do you need?
Face masks have become an essential piece of equipment for everyone, not just health practitioners. But which type do you need?
Traditional Chinese Medicine has had thousands of years to develop all sorts of intriguing treatments and acupuncture is one of the most popular branches of therapy in the West. Acupuncture itself is a broad and comprehensive practice though, using techniques from massage and moxa all the way to needling and ear seeds.
In 2018, 74% of people surveyed by YouGov reported being so stressed they felt overwhelmed. That was 2018, imagine what those numbers would look like in 2020 when the world has been turned upside down?
In the UK, the average person spends 60% of the time sitting down. If you work in an office, that rises to 75%. Those are frightening statistics considering our bodies are specifically designed to move.
There are more moxibustion products available than you can shake an acupuncture needle at and choosing the right ones for your practice can be tricky. Should you be using stick-on moxa? Loose moxa? Does it matter?
In the West, we can go for hundreds, even thousands of years without adopting Eastern health practices. Then, seemingly out of the blue, a new trend arrives on the scene and it feels as though it’s just been invented. Often though, Eastern nations have been doing it for generations.
Ever got confused about that weird incense you might’ve seen advertised with acupuncture?It’s called moxa and it’s not just used for the faint smell of marijuana.